Two-stage group-sequential designs with delayed responses – what is the point of applying corresponding methods?


Stephen Schueuerhuis


September 3, 2024

1 Introduction

This document provides code that is used to produce the results from the manuscript “Two-stage group-sequential designs with delayed responses -- what is the point of applying corresponding methods?”. Most functionalities used to produce the results are directly taken from the R package rpact.

2 Load packages

At first, the packages rpact, ggplot2, mnormt and mvtnorm need to be installed and loaded. The package mnormt is used to evaluate probabilities of multivariate normal distributions. The package mvtnorm is used to simulate data from a multivariate normal distribution. Additionally, some own written functions are imported.

Show the code
# Main package
if (!require(rpact)) {

# For plotting
if (!require(ggplot2)) {

# For multivariate normal probabilities
if (!require(mnormt)) {

# For simulation of test statistics
if (!require(mvtnorm)) {


3 Initialize the different designs

At first, we illustrate how to initialize the different designs under consideration.

4 Design Characteristics

We consider a two-stage group-sequential design with \(\alpha\)- as well as \(\beta\)-spending according to Pocock-type spending functions. During the planned interim analysis at \(I_1 = 0.5\), we assume that there is still \(I_{\Delta_t} = 0.3\) of information outstanding. Different designs can be obtained by changing the inputs.

Show the code
informationRates <- c(0.5, 1)
delayedInformation <- 0.3
alphaSpending <- "asP"
betaSpending <- "bsP"

# For Table 4
# informationRates <- c(0.29,1)
# delayedInformation <- 0.3

4.1 Standard group-sequential design

At first, we consider a standard group-sequential design with a nonbinding futility boundary. In this option, we pretend as if there were no pipeline data since those would not be used during testing. This is done by setting delayedInformation = 0 and bindingFutility = FALSE.

Show the code
gsDesign <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    kMax = 2,
    informationRates = informationRates,
    alpha = 0.025,
    beta = 0.2,
    sided = 1,
    typeOfDesign = alphaSpending,
    typeBetaSpending = betaSpending,
    delayedInformation = 0,
    bindingFutility = FALSE

Sequential analysis with a maximum of 2 looks (group sequential design)

Pocock type alpha spending design and Pocock type beta spending, non-binding futility, one-sided overall significance level 2.5%, power 80%, undefined endpoint, inflation factor 1.2767.

Stage 1 2
Planned information rate 50% 100%
Efficacy boundary (z-value scale) 2.157 2.201
Stage levels (one-sided) 0.0155 0.0139
Futility boundary (z-value scale) 1.083
Cumulative alpha spent 0.0155 0.0250
Cumulative beta spent 0.1240 0.2000
Cumulative power 0.5324 0.8000
Futility probabilities under H1 0.124

4.2 Delayed response group-sequential design according to Hampson and Jennison (2013)

Secondly, we initialize the delayed response group-sequential design by Hampson and Jennison (2013). We, however, propose a slightly modified version which is such that the lower boundary is nonbinding. We initialize this design by setting delayedInformation = 0.3 and, again, bindingFutility = FALSE.

Show the code
drgsDesign <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    kMax = 2,
    informationRates = informationRates,
    alpha = 0.025,
    beta = 0.2,
    sided = 1,
    typeOfDesign = alphaSpending,
    typeBetaSpending = betaSpending,
    delayedInformation = delayedInformation,
    bindingFutility = FALSE


Sequential analysis with a maximum of 2 looks (delayed response group sequential design)

Pocock type alpha spending design with delayed response and Pocock type beta spending, one-sided overall significance level 2.5%, power 80%, undefined endpoint, inflation factor 1.16.

Stage 1 2
Planned information rate 50% 100%
Delayed information 30%
Upper bounds of continuation 2.157 2.201
Stage levels (one-sided) 0.0155 0.0139
Lower bounds of continuation (non-binding) 1.083
Cumulative alpha spent 0.0155 0.0250
Cumulative beta spent 0.1240 0.2000
Cumulative power 0.5299 0.8000
Futility probabilities under H1 0.147
Decision critical values 1.795 2.201

4.3 Delayed response group-sequential design with double rejection criterion

Lastly, we create a delayed response design that we call double rejection design. For details, we refer to the corresponding manuscript. The accompanying file getDoubleRejectionDesign.Rcontains the design implementation, making use of the function getGroupSequentialProbabilities().

Show the code
drDesign <- getDoubleRejectionDesign(
    informationRates = informationRates,
    alpha = 0.025,
    beta = 0.2,
    typeOfDesign = alphaSpending,
    typeBetaSpending = betaSpending,
    delayedInformation = delayedInformation

[1] 0.025

[1] 0.2

[1] "asP"

[1] "bsP"

[1] 0.5 1.0

[1] 0.3

[1] 1.635638 1.959964 2.045181

[1] 0.6796584 2.0451809

[1] 9.144426

[1] "DoubleRejectionApproach"

5 Evaluate design performance

In this section, we evaluate the performance of the different design with respect to the parameters

  • Probability to reject at interim
  • Probability to obtain futility stopping
  • Power
  • Expected sample size

We consider different effect sizes \(\delta \in [-0.4, 0.8]\) to cover effects falling under \(H_0\) and \(H_1\) as well. The overall maximum number of subjects for both arms is set to maxNumberOfSubjects <- 400 and the standard deviation is fixed at \(\sigma = 1\)

Show the code
alternative <- seq(-0.4, 0.8, 0.05)
stDev <- 1
maxNumberOfSubjects <- 400
nAlternative <- length(alternative)

# For Table 4
# alternative <- 1.6
# stDev <- 7.5
# maxNumberOfSubjects <- 2*345
# nAlternative <- length(alternative)

methods <- c("gsDesign", "drgsDesign", "drDesign")
nMethods <- length(methods)

results <- data.frame(
    alternative = rep(alternative, nMethods),
    rejInterim = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    power = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    futility = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    expectedSampleSize = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    method = rep(methods, each = nAlternative)

5.1 Standard group-sequential design

To evaluate the performance of the standard group-sequential design, we use the function getPowerMeans(design = gsDesign,...), which directly produces all required results. The expected sample size needs to be slightly adjusted as the output does not consider the additional pipeline data. More formally, the expected sample size in a delayed response design is given through \[\begin{align} E_{DR}[N] &= (n_1 + n_{\Delta_t})P(early \, stopping) + n_{max}P(continue \, to \, final) \\ &= n_{\Delta_t}P(early \, stopping) + n_{1}P(early \, stopping) + n_{max}P(continue \, to \, final) \\ &= n_{\Delta_t}P(early \, stopping) + E[N] \\ \end{align}\] We achieve this slight adjustment by adding (delayedInformation*maxNumberOfSubjects)*performance$earlyStop to the calculated expected sample size.

Show the code
performance <- getPowerMeans(
    design = gsDesign,
    groups = 2,
    normalApproximation = T,
    alternative = alternative,
    stDev = stDev,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects

index <- 1:nAlternative
results$rejInterim[index] <- performance$rejectPerStage[1, ]
results$power[index] <- performance$overallReject
results$futility[index] <- performance$futilityStop
results$expectedSampleSize[index] <- performance$expectedNumberOfSubjects +
    (delayedInformation * maxNumberOfSubjects) * performance$earlyStop

5.2 Delayed response group-sequential design according to Hampson and Jennison (2013)

The evaluation of the delayed response group-sequential design is done similarly to before. No adjustments to the expected sample size need to be made as the design inherently takes the pipeline data into account. Futility at interim is observed with probability \[\begin{align} P(futility) &= P_{\delta}(Z_1 \notin [l_1, u_1], \tilde{Z}_1 \leq \tilde{d}_1) \\ &= P_{\delta}(Z_1 > u_1, \tilde{Z}_1 \leq \tilde{d}_1) + P_{\delta}(Z_1 < l_1, \tilde{Z}_1 \leq \tilde{d}_1). \end{align}\]

The calculation of this probability is done in the functioncalcFutility() based on the boundaries returned by getDesignGroupSequential().

Show the code
index <- (1 + nAlternative):(2 * nAlternative)

performance <- getPowerMeans(
    design = drgsDesign,
    groups = 2,
    normalApproximation = T,
    alternative = alternative,
    stDev = stDev,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects

results$rejInterim[index] <- performance$rejectPerStage[1, ]
results$power[index] <- performance$overallReject
results$expectedSampleSize[index] <- performance$expectedNumberOfSubjects

# Calculate futility probability

drgsDesignInformation <- c(
    drgsDesign$informationRates[1] + drgsDesign$delayedInformation[1],

results$futility[index] <- calcFutility(
    fut = drgsDesign$futilityBounds,
    crit = drgsDesign$criticalValues,
    dec = drgsDesign$decisionCriticalValues,
    alternative = alternative,
    stDev = stDev,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects,
    informationRates = drgsDesignInformation

5.3 Delayed response group-sequential design with double rejection criterion

For the double rejection approach, a user-written function for the calculation of the performance criteria is available in the file getPowerMeansDoubleRejectionApproach.R. The syntax is chosen in analogy to the rpact functions. Multivariate normal probabilities are evaluated using sadmvn() from the package mnormt.

Show the code
performance <- getPowerMeansDoubleRejectionApproach(
    design = drDesign,
    alternative = alternative,
    stDev = stDev,
    maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects

index <- (1 + (2 * nAlternative)):(3 * nAlternative)
results$rejInterim[index] <- performance$rejInterim
results$power[index] <- performance$power
results$futility[index] <- performance$futility
results$expectedSampleSize[index] <- performance$expectedSampleSize

6 Plot performance

We use ggplot2 to plot the performance criteria for the different effects \(\delta \in [-0.4,0.8]\).

Show the code
# Individual theme
themeSingle <- theme_bw() +
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        plot.title = element_text(
            hjust = 0.5,
            size = 13, face = "italic"
        legend.text = element_text(size = 11),
        legend.key.size = unit(1.5, "cm"),
        legend.key.height = unit(1, "cm"),
        legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm"),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")

# Plot of probabilities
ggplot(results, aes(x = alternative, y = power, color = method)) +
    geom_line(linewidth = 0.8, aes(linetype = "Power")) +
    geom_line(linewidth = 0.8, aes(
        x = alternative, y = rejInterim,
        group = method, linetype = "Rej.Interim"
    )) +
    geom_line(linewidth = 0.8, aes(
        x = alternative, y = futility,
        group = method, linetype = "Futility"
    )) +
    xlab(expression(delta)) +
    ylab("Power") +
        limits = c(min(alternative), max(alternative)),
        breaks = round(seq(min(alternative), max(alternative), 0.1), 3)
    ) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("seagreen4", "orange2", "blue")) +
        values = c(
            "Power" = "solid",
            "Rej.Interim" = "dashed",
            "Futility" = "dotted"
        breaks = c("Power", "Rej.Interim", "Futility")
    ) +

Show the code
# Plot of expected sample size
ggplot(results, aes(
    x = alternative, y = expectedSampleSize,
    linetype = method, color = method
)) +
    geom_line(linewidth = 0.75) +
    xlab(expression(delta)) +
    ylab("E[N]") +
        limits = c(min(alternative), max(alternative)),
        breaks = round(seq(min(alternative), max(alternative), 0.1), 3)
    ) +
        limits = c(
            (informationRates[1] + delayedInformation) * maxNumberOfSubjects - 20,
        breaks = seq(
            informationRates[1] * maxNumberOfSubjects,
            maxNumberOfSubjects, 20
    ) +
        yintercept =
            (informationRates[1] + delayedInformation) * maxNumberOfSubjects,
        linetype = "dashed"
    ) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("seagreen4", "orange2", "blue")) +

7 Bringing it all together

Finally, we can do the calculations from above for different designs depending on the interim information \(I_1 \in \{0.3, 0.4, 0.5\}\) and \(I_{\Delta_t} \in \{0.1, 0.2, 0.3\}\) by iterating over the different scenarios in a for-loop. Finally, we again plot the results for different settings using facet_grid(). To obtain different scenarios, only input parameters must be changed.

Show the code
# Theme for multiple plots in one grid
theme_grid <- theme_bw() +
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        plot.title = element_text(
            hjust = 0.5,
            size = 13, face = "italic"
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.key.size = unit(1.5, "cm"),
        legend.key.height = unit(1, "cm"),
        legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm"),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")

# Design parameters
interimInformation <- c(0.3, 0.4, 0.5)
alphaSpending <- c("asP", "asOF")
betaSpending <- c("bsP", "bsOF")
delayedInformation <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)

# Effect, standard deviation and sample size
alternative <- seq(-0.4, 0.8, 0.05)
nAlternative <- length(alternative)
stDev <- 1
maxNumberOfSubjects <- 400

# Saving all considered cases in a data.frame()
cases <- expand.grid(
    interimInformation = interimInformation,
    alphaSpending = alphaSpending,
    betaSpending = betaSpending,
    delayedInformation = delayedInformation

# Input for typeOfDesign and typeBetaSpending should be character value
cases$alphaSpending <- as.character(cases$alphaSpending)
cases$betaSpending <- as.character(cases$betaSpending)

# Filter only cases in which alpha and beta-spending match
cases <- cases[(cases$alphaSpending == "asOF" & cases$betaSpending == "bsOF") |
    (cases$alphaSpending == "asP" & cases$betaSpending == "bsP"), ]

# Count the number of cases
nCases <- nrow(cases)

# The three different methpods
methods <- c("gsDesign", "drgsDesign", "drDesign")
nMethods <- length(methods)

# Placeholder for the results of a single setting
results <- data.frame(
    interimInformation = rep(NA, nMethods * nAlternative),
    delayedInformation = rep(NA, nMethods * nAlternative),
    alphaSpending = rep(NA, nMethods * nAlternative),
    betaSpending = rep(NA, nMethods * nAlternative),
    alternative = rep(alternative, nMethods),
    rejInterim = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    power = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    futility = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    expectedSampleSize = rep(NA, nAlternative * nMethods),
    method = rep(methods, each = nAlternative)

# List in which results for all settings will be saved as data.frame()
results_all <- list()

# For-loop iterating over the different considered settings
for (i in 1:nCases) {
    # Initialisation of gsDesign
    gsDesign <- getDesignGroupSequential(
        kMax = 2,
        informationRates = c(cases$interimInformation[i], 1),
        alpha = 0.025,
        beta = 0.2,
        sided = 1,
        typeOfDesign = cases$alphaSpending[i],
        typeBetaSpending = cases$betaSpending[i],
        delayedInformation = 0,
        bindingFutility = FALSE

    index <- 1:nAlternative

    # Performance evaluation of gsDesign
    performance <- getPowerMeans(
        design = gsDesign,
        groups = 2,
        normalApproximation = T,
        alternative = alternative,
        stDev = stDev,
        maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects

    results$rejInterim[index] <- performance$rejectPerStage[1, ]
    results$power[index] <- performance$overallReject
    results$futility[index] <- performance$futilityStop
    results$expectedSampleSize[index] <- performance$expectedNumberOfSubjects +
        (cases$delayedInformation[i] * maxNumberOfSubjects) * performance$earlyStop

    # Initialisation of drgsDesign
    drgsDesign <- getDesignGroupSequential(
        kMax = 2,
        informationRates = c(cases$interimInformation[i], 1),
        alpha = 0.025,
        beta = 0.2,
        sided = 1,
        typeOfDesign = cases$alphaSpending[i],
        typeBetaSpending = cases$betaSpending[i],
        delayedInformation = cases$delayedInformation[i],
        bindingFutility = FALSE

    index <- (1 + nAlternative):(2 * nAlternative)

    # Performance evaluation of drgsDesign
    performance <- getPowerMeans(
        design = drgsDesign,
        groups = 2,
        normalApproximation = T,
        alternative = alternative,
        stDev = stDev,
        maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects

    results$rejInterim[index] <- performance$rejectPerStage[1, ]
    results$power[index] <- performance$overallReject
    results$expectedSampleSize[index] <- performance$expectedNumberOfSubjects

    informationRatesUponDelay <- c(
        drgsDesign$informationRates[1] + drgsDesign$delayedInformation[1], 1

    results$futility[index] <- calcFutility(
        fut = drgsDesign$futilityBounds,
        crit = drgsDesign$criticalValues,
        dec = drgsDesign$decisionCriticalValues,
        alternative = alternative,
        stDev = stDev,
        maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects,
        informationRates = informationRatesUponDelay

    # Initialisation of drDesign
    drDesign <- getDoubleRejectionDesign(
        informationRates = c(cases$interimInformation[i], 1),
        alpha = 0.025,
        beta = 0.2,
        typeOfDesign = cases$alphaSpending[i],
        typeBetaSpending = cases$betaSpending[i],
        delayedInformation = cases$delayedInformation[i]

    index <- (1 + (2 * nAlternative)):(3 * nAlternative)

    # Performance evaluation of drDesign
    performance <- getPowerMeansDoubleRejectionApproach(
        design = drDesign,
        alternative = alternative,
        stDev = stDev,
        maxNumberOfSubjects = maxNumberOfSubjects

    # Saving everything in results
    results$rejInterim[index] <- performance$rejInterim
    results$power[index] <- performance$power
    results$futility[index] <- performance$futility
    results$expectedSampleSize[index] <- performance$expectedSampleSize

    # Save design characteristics as well
    results$interimInformation <- cases$interimInformation[i]
    results$delayedInformation <- cases$delayedInformation[i]
    results$alphaSpending <- cases$alphaSpending[i]
    results$betaSpending <- cases$betaSpending[i]

    # Saving results in the results_all list
    results_all[[i]] <- results

    # Naming of the entries in results_all
    names(results_all)[i] <- paste(
        cases$betaSpending[i], "I1=", cases$interimInformation[i],
        "Id =", cases$delayedInformation[i]

# Merge results for all settings
results_all <-, results_all)

# Filter for Pocock-like spending function; Change to "asOF" for O'Brien-Fleming-like spending function
results_all <- results_all[results_all$alphaSpending == "asP", ]

# Probabilities plot
power <- ggplot(results_all, aes(x = alternative, y = power, color = method)) +
    geom_line(size = 0.9, aes(linetype = "Power")) +
    geom_line(size = 0.9, aes(
        x = alternative, y = rejInterim,
        group = method, linetype = "Rej.Interim"
    )) +
    geom_line(size = 0.9, aes(
        x = alternative, y = futility,
        group = method, linetype = "Futility"
    )) +
    facet_grid(rows = vars(delayedInformation), cols = vars(interimInformation)) +
    xlab(expression(delta)) +
    ylab("Probability") +
        limits = c(min(alternative), max(alternative)),
        breaks = round(seq(min(alternative), max(alternative), 0.2), 3),
        sec.axis = sec_axis(~.,
            name = expression(paste("Interim Information ", I[1])),
            breaks = NULL, labels = NULL
    ) +
    scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.,
        name = expression(paste("Amount of Pipeline Data ", I[Delta[t]])),
        breaks = NULL, labels = NULL
    )) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("seagreen", "orange2", "blue")) +
        values = c(
            "Power" = "solid",
            "Rej.Interim" = "dashed", "Futility" = "dotted"
        breaks = c("Power", "Rej.Interim", "Futility")
    ) +

# If the lines are overlapping, geom_path() can be used alternatively to
# geom_line() to slightly shift the lines using position_dodge();
# Uncomment the code below in that case.

# power <- ggplot(results_all, aes(x = alternative, y = power, color = method)) +
#   geom_path(position = position_dodge(width = 0.02), size = 0.9, aes(linetype = "Power")) +
#   geom_path(position = position_dodge(width = 0.02), size = 0.9, aes(x = alternative, y = rejInterim, group = method, linetype = "Rej.Interim")) +
#   geom_path(position = position_dodge(width = 0.02), size = 0.9, aes(x = alternative, y = futility, group = method, linetype = "Futility")) +
#   facet_grid(rows = vars(delayedInformation), cols = vars(interimInformation)) +
#   xlab(expression(delta)) +
#   ylab("Probability") +
#   scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(alternative), max(alternative)), breaks = round(seq(min(alternative),max(alternative),0.2),3),
#                      sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . , name = expression(paste("Interim Information ", I[1])), breaks = NULL, labels = NULL)) +
#   scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . , name = expression(paste("Amount of Pipeline Data ", I[Delta[t]])), breaks = NULL, labels = NULL)) +
#   scale_color_manual(values = c("seagreen", "orange2", "blue")) +
#   scale_linetype_manual(values = c("Power" = "solid", "Rej.Interim" = "dashed", "Futility" = "dotted"), breaks = c("Power", "Rej.Interim", "Futility")) +
#   theme_grid

# Expected sample size plot
eN <- ggplot(results_all, aes(x = alternative, y = expectedSampleSize, linetype = method, color = method)) +
    geom_line(size = 0.9) +
    facet_grid(rows = vars(delayedInformation), cols = vars(interimInformation), scales = "free") +
    xlab(expression(delta)) +
    ylab("E[N]") +
        limits = c(min(alternative), max(alternative)), breaks = round(seq(min(alternative), max(alternative), 0.2), 3),
        sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = expression(paste("Interim Information ", I[1])), breaks = NULL, labels = NULL)
    ) +
    scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = expression(paste("Amount of Pipeline Data ", I[Delta[t]])), breaks = NULL, labels = NULL), limits = c(160, 400)) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c("seagreen", "orange2", "blue")) +

# If the lines are overlapping, geom_path() can be used alternatively to geom_line() to slightly shift the lines using position_dodge() ; Uncomment the code below in that case
# eN <- ggplot(results_all, aes(x = alternative, y = expectedSampleSize, linetype = method, color = method)) +
#   geom_path(position = position_dodge(width = 0.02), size = 0.9) +  # Using geom_path instead of geom_line for dodging
#   facet_grid(rows = vars(delayedInformation), cols = vars(interimInformation), scales = "free") +
#   xlab(expression(delta)) +
#   ylab("E[N]") +
#   scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(alternative), max(alternative)), breaks = round(seq(min(alternative),max(alternative),0.2),3),
#                      sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . , name = expression(paste("Interim Information ", I[1])), breaks = NULL, labels = NULL)) +
#   scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~ . , name = expression(paste("Amount of Pipeline Data ", I[Delta[t]])), breaks = NULL, labels = NULL), limits = c(160, 400)) +
#   scale_color_manual(values = c("seagreen", "orange2", "blue")) +
#   theme_grid


Show the code

8 Simulation of Expected Sample Size

The actual sample size as well as the power are directly dependent upon the joint distribution of the test statistics. If the statistics are known to follow a normal distribution, formulas to do calculations of location components are readily available. In our manuscript, we argue that also variance components (such as \(Var_{\delta}(N)\)) should be considered in performance evaluation. However, no straightforward formulas for the calculation of the variance of sample size and power exist. Therefore, we use simulation to obtain an empirical distribution of the random variables.

Show the code
# Parameters
maxNumberOfSubjects <- 400
interimInformation <- 0.5
delayedInformation <- 0.2
alternative <- 0.3
stDev <- 1
nsim <- 100

# Design parameters
alpha <- 0.025
beta <- 0.2
informationRates <- c(interimInformation, 1)
typeOfDesign <- "asOF"
typeBetaSpending <- "bsOF"

# True means and covariance matrix
informationRatesUponDelay <- c(
    interimInformation + delayedInformation, 1
mu <- alternative / sqrt(2 * stDev^2) *
    sqrt(informationRatesUponDelay * maxNumberOfSubjects / 2)
sigma <- getCovarianceFromInformation(informationRatesUponDelay)

# Data frame to store results
resultsSim <- data.frame(
    Method = character(nsim),
    Power = numeric(nsim),
    expectedNumberOfSubjects = numeric(nsim),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# Group-sequential design
gsDesign <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    kMax = 2,
    alpha = alpha,
    beta = beta,
    informationRates = informationRates,
    typeOfDesign = typeOfDesign,
    typeBetaSpending = typeBetaSpending,
    bindingFutility = FALSE

# Delayed response group-sequential design
drgsDesign <- getDesignGroupSequential(
    kMax = 2,
    alpha = alpha,
    beta = beta,
    informationRates = informationRates,
    typeOfDesign = typeOfDesign,
    delayedInformation = delayedInformation,
    typeBetaSpending = typeBetaSpending,
    bindingFutility = FALSE

# Double Rejection Design
drDesign <- getDoubleRejectionDesign(
    informationRates = informationRates,
    alpha = alpha,
    beta = beta,
    typeOfDesign = typeOfDesign,
    typeBetaSpending = typeBetaSpending,
    delayedInformation = delayedInformation

seed <- 19032024

for (i in 1:nsim) {
    set.seed(seed + i)

    # Simulating multivariate normal random variables as test statistics
    statistics <- rmvnorm(10000, mean = mu, sigma = sigma)
    Z1 <- statistics[, 1]
    Z1tilde <- statistics[, 2]
    Z12 <- statistics[, 3]

    # Simulate power and expected sample size values for all designs
    powerGSD <- mean((Z1 > gsDesign$criticalValues[1]) |
        (gsDesign$futilityBounds < Z1 & Z1 < gsDesign$criticalValues[1] &
            Z12 > gsDesign$criticalValues[2]))

    eNGSD <- mean(informationRatesUponDelay[2] *
        maxNumberOfSubjects * (Z1 > gsDesign$criticalValues[1] |
            (Z1 < gsDesign$futilityBounds[1])) +
        maxNumberOfSubjects * (gsDesign$futilityBounds < Z1 & Z1 < gsDesign$criticalValues[1]))

    powerDRGSD <- mean((Z1 > drgsDesign$criticalValues[1] &
        Z1tilde > drgsDesign$decisionCriticalValues[1]) |
        (Z1 < drgsDesign$futilityBounds[1] &
            Z1tilde > drgsDesign$decisionCriticalValues[1]) |
        (drgsDesign$futilityBounds[1] < Z1 &
            Z1 < drgsDesign$criticalValues[1] &
            Z12 > drgsDesign$decisionCriticalValues[2]))

    eNDRGSD <- mean(informationRatesUponDelay[2] * maxNumberOfSubjects *
        ((Z1 > drgsDesign$criticalValues[1]) |
            (Z1 < drgsDesign$futilityBounds[1])) + maxNumberOfSubjects *
            (drgsDesign$futilityBounds[1] < Z1 & Z1 < drgsDesign$criticalValues[1]))

    powerDRD <- mean((Z1 > drDesign$upper[1] & Z1tilde > drDesign$upper[2]) |
        (drDesign$lower[1] < Z1 & Z1 < drDesign$upper[1] & Z12 > drDesign$upper[3]))

    enDRD <- mean(informationRatesUponDelay[2] * maxNumberOfSubjects *
        (Z1 > drDesign$upper[1] | Z1 < drDesign$lower[1]) +
        maxNumberOfSubjects * (drDesign$lower[1] < Z1 & Z1 < drDesign$upper[1]))

    # Save results in data frame
    resultsSim[i, ] <- c("gsDesign", powerGSD, eNGSD)
    resultsSim[i + nsim, ] <- c("drgsDesign", powerDRGSD, eNDRGSD)
    resultsSim[i + 2 * nsim, ] <- c("drDesign", powerDRD, enDRD)

# Save results
resultsSim$Method <- factor(resultsSim$Method,
    levels = c("gsDesign", "drgsDesign", "drDesign"),
    ordered = TRUE
resultsSim$Power <- as.numeric(resultsSim$Power)
resultsSim$eN <- as.numeric(resultsSim$expectedNumberOfSubjects)

# Theme for plotting simulation results
theme_sim <- theme_bw() +
        legend.position = "none",
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 13, face = "italic"),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 20),
        legend.key.size = unit(1.5, "cm"),
        legend.key.height = unit(1, "cm"),
        legend.key.width = unit(1, "cm"),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 15),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold")

# Power simulation
power_sim <- ggplot(resultsSim, aes(x = Method, y = Power, fill = Method)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_x_discrete(labels = c("gsDesign", "drgsDesign", "drDesign")) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0.82, 0.85), breaks = c(0.82, 0.83, 0.84, 0.85)) +
    xlab("") +
    ylab("Simulated Power") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("seagreen4", "orange2", "blue")) +

# Expected sample size simulation
eN_sim <- ggplot(resultsSim, aes(x = Method, y = eN, fill = Method)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    scale_x_discrete(labels = c("gsDesign", "drgsDesign", "drDesign")) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(366, 372), breaks = c(366, 368, 370, 372)) +
    xlab("") +
    ylab("E[N]") +
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("seagreen4", "orange2", "blue")) +


Show the code

System: rpact 4.0.0, R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14), platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

To cite R in publications use:

R Core Team (2024). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. To cite package ‘rpact’ in publications use:

Wassmer G, Pahlke F (2024). rpact: Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis. R package version 4.0.0,
